Abstract implementation of an System.Linq.IQueryProvider. Defines methods to create and execute queries that are described by an System.Linq.IQueryable object.
Declaring type: InterLinqQueryProvider
Namespace: Zyan.InterLinq
Assembly: Zyan.Communication
Collapse/Expand Protected Constructors
  Name Description
Protected Method InterLinqQueryProvider

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Collapse/Expand Public Methods
  Name Description
Public Method CreateQuery Constructs an System.Linq.IQueryable object that can evaluate the query represented by a specified System.Linq.Expressions.Expression tree.
Public Method CreateQuery<TElement> Constructs an System.Linq.IQueryable`1 object that can evaluate the query represented by a specified System.Linq.Expressions.Expression tree.
Public Method Abstract Execute Executes the query represented by a specified System.Linq.Expressions.Expression tree.
Public Method Virtual Execute<TResult> Executes the strongly-typed query represented by a specified System.Linq.Expressions.Expression tree.