General implementation of client protocol setup.
Declaring type: ClientProtocolSetup
Namespace: Zyan.Communication.Protocols
Assembly: Zyan.Communication
Collapse/Expand Protected Fields
  Name Description
Protected Field _channelFactory Delegate to factory method, which creates the .NET Remoting channel instance.
Protected Field _channelName Unique channel name.
Protected Field _channelSettings Dictionary for channel settings.
Protected Field _clientSinkChain List for building the client sink chain.
Protected Field _serverSinkChain List for building the server sink chain.
Collapse/Expand Public Constructors (see also: Protected Constructors)
  Name Description
Public Method ClientProtocolSetup Creates a new instance of the ClientProtocolSetup class.
Collapse/Expand Protected Constructors
  Name Description
Protected Method ClientProtocolSetup Creates a new instance of the ClientProtocolSetup class.
Collapse/Expand Public Methods (see also: Protected Methods)
  Name Description
Public Method Virtual CreateChannel Creates and configures a Remoting channel.
Public Method Static GetClientProtocol Gets the default client protocol setup for the given URL.
Public Method Virtual IsUrlValid Checks whether the given URL is valid for this protocol.
Public Method Static RegisterClientProtocol Registers the default protocol setup for the given URL prefix.
Public Method Static WithChannel Creates a new ClientProtocolSetup with a specified channel factory method.
Collapse/Expand Protected Methods
  Name Description
Protected Method Virtual BuildClientSinkChain Builds the client sink chain.
Protected Method Virtual BuildServerSinkChain Builds the server sink chain.
Collapse/Expand Public Properties
  Name Description
Public Property ChannelName Gets the name of the remoting channel.
Public Property Virtual ChannelSettings Gets a dictionary with channel settings.
Public Property Virtual ClientSinkChain Gets a list of all Remoting sinks from the client sink chain.
Public Property Virtual ServerSinkChain Gets a list of all Remoting sinks from the server sink chain.