This namespace contains InterLINQ provider integration for the Zyan Communication Framework. InterLINQ makes local LINQ technologies multi-tier compatible.
Assembly: Zyan.Communication
Collapse/Expand Public Classes
  Name Description
Public Class Abstract InterLinqContext Abstract base class holding an IQueryHandler. The usage of the InterLinqContext is comparable with System.Data.Linq.DataContext.
Public Class InterLinqQuery<T> Standard implementation of an InterLinqQuery.
Public Class Abstract InterLinqQueryBase Base Class for InterLinq Queries.
Public Class Abstract InterLinqQueryHandler Abstract implementation of an IQueryHandler. This class provides methods to get an System.Linq.IQueryable`1.
Public Class Abstract InterLinqQueryProvider Abstract implementation of an System.Linq.IQueryProvider. Defines methods to create and execute queries that are described by an System.Linq.IQueryable object.
Public Class ZyanClientQueryHandler Client handler class managing Zyan connection to the InterLINQ Server.
Public Class ZyanEntityQueryHandler Simple IQueryable server query handler
Public Class Static ZyanExtensions Extension methods for easier InterLINQ handlers access.
Public Class ZyanObjectQueryHandler Simple IEnumerable POCO server query handler
Public Class Abstract ZyanQueryHandler Abstract query handler implementation
Public Class ZyanServerQueryHandler Provides methods to communicate with the InterLINQ service over Zyan.
Collapse/Expand Public Interfaces
  Name Description
Public Interface IBaseSource Base interface required for the built-in Linq support.
Public Interface IEntitySource Interface required for the built-in Linq to entities support.
Public Interface IObjectSource Interface required for the built-in Linq to objects support
Public Interface IQueryHandler Interface providing methods to get System.Linq.IQueryable`1.
Public Interface IQueryRemoteHandler Interface providing methods to communicate with the InterLINQ service.